Heritage and History
Township Council is dedicated to conserving heritage properties, including designation, heritage easements, and planning tools. The Heritage and Attainable Housing Committee evaluates individual properties regarding historical and/or architectural significance and works with partners to implement programs and activities to increase public awareness and knowledge of our heritage properties.
Learn more about Heritage Designation in Muskoka Lakes:
- Heritage Designation
- Designated Properties and Districts
- Township of Muskoka Lakes Heritage Register of Inventory List - Heritage Properties
- Port Carling Wall
Heritage and Attainable Housing Committee
The Heritage and Attainable Housing Committee mandate is to preserve the history of Muskoka Lakes. Find out more about the committee.
The Township amalgamated in January 1971 and is made up of several former townships including the Township of Cardwell, the Township of Watt, the United Townships of Medora and Wood, the Town of Bala, the Village of Port Carling, the Village of Windermere and a portion of the former Township of Monck.
Learn more about the history in Muskoka Lakes.
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