Council and Committees
The Township of Muskoka Lakes Council consists of the Mayor and nine Councillors. Your Council members serve for a four-year term with the Mayor elected by all voters in Muskoka Lakes. The remaining members are elected by voters within their specific electoral wards. The Township is broken into three electoral wards; Ward A, Ward B and Ward C. Each ward elects one District/Township Councillor and two Township Councillors.
Link to the electoral ward map
Members of Council 2022-2026
Mayor |
Peter Kelley |
Ward A |
Ruth-Ellen NishikawaDistrict and Township Councillor Mary Ellen McIntyreTownship Councillor Glenn ZavitzTownship Councillor |
Ward B |
Allen EdwardsDistrict and Township Councillor Susan MazanTownship Councillor, Deputy Mayor Gordon RobertsTownship Councillor |
Ward C |
Guy BurryDistrict and Township Councillor Rob BosomworthTownship Councillor Sally Moyer KentTownship Councillor |
Contact Council
For further information to contact your members of council, visit our Contact Us page.
Deputy Mayor |
The Deputy Mayor is an appointed Member of Council to act in the absence of the Mayor. The Deputy Mayor is appointed for the term of the appointing Council. The Deputy Mayor for the Township of Muskoka Lakes is Councillor Susan Mazan. |
Acting Deputy Mayor |
The Acting Deputy Mayor is an appointed Member of Council act in the absence of both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. The Acting Deputy Mayor is appointed for the term of the appointing Council. The Acting Deputy Mayor for the Township of Muskoka Lakes is Councillor Glenn Zavitz. |
Alternate Member to the District Municipality of Muskoka Council |
The Township appoints a Member of Council as an Alternate Member to the District Municipality of Muskoka Council to act in place of a District Council member who represents the Township of Muskoka Lakes, when that person is unable to attend a District Council meeting. The Alternate District Council Member is appointment for the term of the appointing Council. The Alternate District Council Member for the Township of Muskoka Lakes is Councillor Mary Ellen McIntyre. |
Meeting Calendar
Meeting Calendar |
Please be advised that all Township Council, General/Finance and Planning Committee meetings held in the Council Chambers and will be webcast, audio and video recorded. Council Procedure By-lawPursuant to section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001, every municipality shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings. Please access the Township of Muskoka Lakes Council Procedure By-law 2023-089 for the rules governing the proceedings of Council and Committee Meetings. The Township of Muskoka Lakes is a scent-sensitive environment.While visiting the Township Office we ask your assistance in keeping the air fragrance free. Potential symptoms and effects of chemical and fragrance sensitivities could result in impacting a medical condition of a fellow visitor or staff member. We thank you for helping us maintain a safe, secure and clean working environment for all. |
Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and Minutes |
The Minutes and Agendas for all Council and Committee meetings are available in our Document Centre. Subscribe to receive agenda links directly to your inbox to any Council, General/Finance Committee, Planning Committee and Committee of Adjustment meetings. |
Standing Committees
Committees, boards and organizations provide valuable input on the development of projects, policies and initiatives in the Township of Muskoka Lakes. Volunteers contribute their time, energy and expertise to help improve our community and quality of life.
General/Finance Committee |
The General/Finance Committee is comprised of nine (9) members of Council. The Mayor is an ex-officio member. Duties and responsibilities include
SpecificallyFinancial Statements & Auditors Report, Current/Capital Budget, Collective Bargaining, Salary Administration/Job evaluation, Municipal Organization, Legal matters, Policies, Insurance, Communications, Liquor License Requests, Road/Shore Road Allowance Closures, License Agreements, Community Centres & Hall Boards, Arenas, Health Hub, Emergency Management, Health and Safety, Accessibility, Roads and Bridges, Public Wharves/Docks/Wharf Masters, Cemeteries, Temporary Road Closures, Libraries, Parks, Public Beaches, Trails, Economic Development Strategy, Marketing and Promotion, and Website. Members
Planning Committee |
The Planning Committee is comprised of nine (9) members of Council. The Mayor is an ex-officio member. Duties and responsibilities
SpecificallyProperty Standards By‐law, By‐law Enforcement, Staff Housing, Official Plan and Zoning By‐law Amendments, Site Plans, Plans of Subdivision/Condominiums and Long Range Planning Members
Advisory Committees and Boards
Advisory Committees are Committees comprised of Council and Citizen Members established for a designated purpose. They are appointed for the term of the appointing Council. Advisory Committees make recommendations and report to an assigned Standing Committee of Council.
Community Centre Hall Boards |
Responsibilities of the Community Centre Boards
Roles of the Community Centre Hall Boards
Community Centre Hall Boards report to Council through the General/Finance Committee. Council Members on Hall BoardsA Council Member is appointed as a voting member to each Hall Board. Hall Board MembersBala Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Foot's Bay Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Hekkla Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Milford Bay Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Peninsula Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Port Carling Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Raymond Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Torrance Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Ullswater Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Walker's Point Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Windermere Community Centre BoardAppointed Councillor:
Legislated Committees
Legislated Committees are comprised of Citizen Members and some may include Council Members that established as required by and set out by various provincial legislation. They are typically appointed for the term of the appointing Council, with some being quasi judicial bodies.
Committee of Adjustment |
The Township of Muskoka Lakes has established a Committee of Adjustment to deal with applications for consents and minor variances. All meetings are open to the public. The Committee of Adjustment has general and special powers, these include:
Council Members
Citizen Members
As the Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body which bases its decisions on the information presented at the Hearing, Committee members cannot be contacted regarding Committee of Adjustment matters, or they may be disqualified from hearing the application. |
Line Fence Viewers |
The cost of fences to be erected along a common property line are normally shared between two property owners. In the event of a disagreement between two property owners, or if one property owner does not wish to pay their share, an application may be made to the Township to have the Fence Viewers attend the property. In this case they shall notify the clerk using the appropriate application form. Fence Viewers are appointed by Council to arbitrate and make awards as to the cost of the fence construction along common property lines. Three Fence Viewers will attend the property to visually inspect the area and file a report outlining the responsibilities to each property owner (section of fence to be erected and type), assign a date by which the fence must be constructed or repaired, and assess costs for their attendance. These meetings are not open to the public in order to protect the privacy of individuals involved. Members
Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee |
The Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee (MCAC) receives and make decisions on applications for compliance audits of candidates' and registered third party's municipal election campaign finances and any by-election campaign finances during the 2018 to 2022 Council term. The MCAC is also responsible for reviewing reports submitted to the MCAC by the Clerk with respect to any contributor who appears to have contravened any of the contribution limits to a candidates' or registered third party's election campaign. More information about the Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee can be found on the Election Page. Members
Property Standards Committee |
This Committee has full delegation of authority within the Building Code Act to hear appeals from property owners who disagree with a Property Standards Order issued by the Township of Muskoka Lakes as follows;
Notice of Hearing/AppealWhere an appellant is properly notified of a hearing or appeal (via registered mail) and does not attend at the time and place appointed, the Committee shall determine that the appellant has "deemed not to dispute" the Order. The Committee shall confirm the Order(s) as written, with the appellant being notified of the Committee's decision after the appeal hearing. These meetings are not open to the public in order to protect the privacy of individuals involved. Members
Public Library Board |
The Township of Muskoka Lakes Public Library Board is responsible for providing the community with excellent library services by:
Board Members
Other Committees
Other Committees are committees, subcommittees or other similar entities, comprised of Council and Citizen Members established to carry out specified tasks, from time to time, as the need arises, for a set time period, ending when the specified task is complete. Other Committees make recommendations and report to an assigned Standing Committee.
Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update Steering Committee |
The Project Steering Committee shall report directly to Planning Committee and shall be responsible for the following:
Council Members
Citizen Members
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