Fire Safety Planning prevents the occurrence of fire by the control of fire hazards in the building, ensures operation of fire protection systems by establishing maintenance procedures, and provides a systematic method of safe and orderly evacuation of the building in the event of fire.
The owner of a building is responsible for preparing a Fire Safety Plan and must ensure that the building and facilities comply with the provisions of the Fire Code.

Open air burning in the Township of Muskoka Lakes is regulated by By-Law 2023-034. Whether you are having a small backyard fire or clearing your property of brush, it is your responsibility to burn in accordance with the Township’s regulations for outdoor fires. To obtain a Burn Permit, go to and fill out the application.
Regulations |
- No person shall set and/ or maintain a fire in the open air, from April 1 to October 31 inclusive, without a valid permit obtained from the Township of Muskoka Lakes.
- From November 1 to March 31 inclusive, persons may set and maintain a fire without a permit, however must still follows the requirements.
- No permit is required for small confined fires set by persons for the purpose of burning environmentally acceptable combustible material at night 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. Persons setting such a fire shall comply with the following regulations:
- The fire must be under constant supervision and control from the time of lighting until it is totally extinguished;
- The fire shall not be located closer than 6 metres, (20 feet), from any building, vehicle, structure, hedge, fence, road or overhead wire or obstruction of any kind;
- The fire shall not exceed 1 metre, (3 feet), in diameter and 1 metre, (3 feet), in height. Burning of ground vegetation shall not exceed 1 hectare (2.5 acres) and the flaming edge shall not be more than 30 metres (100 feet) in length;
- Open air fires are not allowed when a fire ban has been declared pursuant to Section 12 of this by-law;
- Open air fires are not permitted when the wind exceeds 16 kph, (10 mph), as per the Environment Canada website for the area;
- No person shall allow or permit a fire to burn in such a manner that conditions from the smoke therefrom impairs the vision of a motorist;
- No person shall allow or permit a fire to become out of control;
- No person shall burn any kitchen garbage, treated or painted lumber/construction materials or materials made/or containing rubber, plastic, tar, or other hazardous materials;
- Every person conducting an open-air burn shall burn only clean, dry seasoned wood or yard waste; and
- Persons shall have adequate means of extinguishment available on site and within proximity to the fire to extinguish the fire within a reasonable timeframe (example; pail of water, fire extinguisher or garden hose connected to a working tap)
- All Open-Air Fires and Campfires shall be fully extinguished prior to the fire setter leaving the site.
- No person shall set, light, ignite or maintain an Open-Air Fire or Campfire to be set, lit, ignited, or maintained, during a Fire Ban or in a Restricted Fire Zone.
Fire Bans |
- The Fire Chief may declare a total ban against outdoor burning when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fire hazardous
- During conditions when Forest Fire Ratings are high or extreme burn permits will not be sold.
- Fines will be implemented as per By-Law 2018-16 for all illegal fires during a Fire Ban.
Permits |
- The Fire Chief may revoke a permit or approval for open air burning if the provisions of this By-law are not being adhered to.
- The Fire Chief may prohibit open air burning if the person or applicant, occupant or owner has contravened the provisions of this By-law in the past.
- Permits are non-transferable and only valid for the address which they have been assigned.
- All Permits shall be deemed to be suspended during a Fire Ban or within a Restricted Fire Zone.
Contractors |
Contractor requests for larger fires, outside of the permitted regulations in the By-Law, must include this form in their permit request. Once the form is completed, applicants are to save the document to their device and email a copy to the Fire Chief. |
Enforcement |
- The Fire Chief , Bylaw Officer or their designate are authorized to order any person to extinguish a fire, or to cause such fire to be extinguished, when there is a breach of any of the provisions of this by-law or where, in their opinion, there is a danger of such fire spreading or otherwise endangering life or property and the person shall comply with any such order.
- Offences; liability for costs.
- Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law or any order made thereunder or any condition of a permit issued thereunder may be liable for all damages to public and/or private property caused by the fire and will be liable for the full cost of extinguishing the fire;
- Any person who contravenes any provision of this article is guilty of an offense and upon conviction, is liable to a penalty as provided in the Provincial Offenses Act
Complaints |
- Please respect your neighbours and follow all regulations.
- We investigate all burning complaints and may revoke burn permits, if necessary.
- Complaint Form
File Search Requests can be made here. There is a $115 fee associated with the request of a file search under by-law 2022-152. A cheque for payment can be made out to The Township of Muskoka Lakes, 1 Bailey St PO Box 129, Port Carling ON P0B 1J0.
If you have any questions please contact the Fire & Emergency Services Administrator at 705-765-3156 X 274.
Under the Regulation of Fireworks By-Law 2022-013, display of Fireworks is controlled by the time of day, types of fireworks and when fireworks can be set off within the Township.
To better understand the difference between Consumer and Display Fireworks, please see below. Display and Pyrotechnic special effects fireworks can only be purchased with a valid license provided by Natural Resources Canada.
Consumer Fireworks
Outdoor low hazard recreational fireworks such as showers, fountains, golden rain, roman candles, volcanoes, and sparklers. These are fireworks that can be purchased at your local grocery, hardware or convenience stores.
Display Fireworks
Outdoor, high-hazard recreational fireworks such as display shells, bomb shells, large wheels, barrages, bombardos, waterfalls and mines.
Pyrotechnic Special Effects
Created through the firing of pyrotechnic, propelleant and explosive materials and devices. Used for entertainment in indoor and outdoor performances.
Activities requiring a permit