Curb and Sidewalk Maintenance
Curb and sidewalks are an integral part of the infrastructure in the Township of Muskoka Lakes. Curbs are important to collect and convey water to storm drainage outlets. They act as a barrier to protect pedestrians from vehicles. Sidewalks are important to pedestrian in the community, and it is our task to ensure both curbs and sidewalks are in good repair.
Sidewalks within the municipality are required to be maintained in accordance with the Provincial Standards. The minimum maintenance standard sets out tolerances and identifies the type/severity of defect before a repair is required. It sets out the amount of time allowed before repair must be completed.
The major causes of sidewalk damage are:
- uplifting by tree roots
- vehicles (especially trucks) driving on the sidewalk
- deterioration due to age
We conduct routine patrols to identify defects to curbs. If repairs are necessary, we will prioritize and schedule work accordingly. Weeds and other plant growth can damage curbs. We encourage residents to remove weeds from joints and cracks in the curbs and gutters in front of your properties and keep the area clean.
We conduct annual inspections of our sidewalks to identify any defects that may be dangerous. We prioritize sidewalk defects according to severity.
Report a Concern
To report an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Submit a question or concern through our online form. These submissions are reviewed during regular office hours. If your concern requires immediate attention, please call the municipal office at 705-765-3156. After operating hours, you will speak with our after-hours messaging service who will contact a staff member if necessary.
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