Drainage Maintenance
When it rains or when the snow melts, water accumulates and flows across roads, parking lots, land, etc. In rural environments, soil absorbs a significant portion of the runoff, but in urban, built-up areas, the increased hard-scaping (roads, sidewalks, driveways, roof-tops, parking lots etc.) reduces what can be absorbed by the soil. To decrease flooding risks, runoff is directed to the drainage system in the Township of Muskoka Lakes through catch basins, storm sewers, culverts and ditches. Each of these elements is critical to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the drainage system.
Over time, sediment accumulates in the drainage system components, which reduces its ability to improve water quality. We will clean out drainage structures, pipes and ditches to ensure they function properly.
We appreciate all inquiries with respect to drainage concerns, including blocked culverts, damaged or blocked catch basins and/or plugged ditches.
Our drainage system includes:
Catch Basins |
Catch basins are found at the sides of urban roads and designed to drain excess rain and ground water from paved streets, parking lots, sidewalks into storm sewers, storm ponds and nearby natural drainage courses. We conduct routine patrols to assess the conditions of catch basins. We maintain catch basins that are damaged or plugged with surface debris and repair/replace catch basins when required. Tips• Remove leaves, lawn cuttings and other debris that came from your property that can block catch basins • Recycle and safely dispose of hazardous waste (used oil, paint, paint thinners and batteries) • Catch basins are not filtered and lead directly into watercourses. Please do not pour household liquids, paints or any hazardous waste into catch basins. |
Storm Sewers |
The main purpose of the storm sewer system is to convey surface water and prevent flooding. The storm sewer system collects surface water into underground pipes and conveys the (untreated) water to surface watercourses such as lakes, rivers, storm ponds. The water in this system is untreated. We ask that you do not pour hazardous substances in any component of our drainage system. Storm drains are designed with oil and grit separators to keep some pollutants from affecting our environment. To keep the storm sewer system working properly, storm drains need to be maintained and debris removed so that it doesn't block pipes which can cause flooding that affects streets, nearby residents, and businesses. We will remove debris from culverts, catch basins, ditches, clean out oil grit separators and catch basins, inspect sewer lines using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) to identify areas that need repair/replacement. We conduct sewer flushing to clear the sewer of debris and ensure adequate capacity and flow. Tips
Bridges & Culverts |
BridgesWe currently have 15 bridges and 7 major culverts, which are regularly cleaned and maintained. To ensure the safety of our bridges, the Ministry of Transportation requires bridge inspections once every two years, in accordance with the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual. CulvertsCulverts are typically short pipes that provide connection points and facilitate drainage between ditches, storm sewers or other drainage outlets. Culverts are typically found under driveways, roadways etc. They are required when a driveway/entrance crosses a drainage ditch. We will identify where culverts are required (at the expense of the property owner) through our Entrance Permit Application process; replace damaged culverts; and maintain culverts that are plugged with debris, caved in or frozen (causing flooding). Tips
Ditches |
We inspect ditches on a regular basis throughout the year to identify required maintenance. Ditches are located on the sides of roads and are meant to drain water from nearby lands/roadways. Ditches are designed to hold water and control how fast the water enters the drainage system. Some ditches allow water to flow into the groundwater table, which minimizes the amount of water discharged to natural watercourses. Tips
Report a Concern
To report an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Submit a question or concern through our online form. These submissions are reviewed during regular office hours. If your concern requires immediate attention, please call the municipal office at 705-765-3156. After operating hours, you will speak with our after-hours messaging service who will contact a staff member if necessary.
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