Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a municipal alternative to the provincial court system that administers and adjudicates by-law offences. The AMPS program of enforcement transfers by-law disputes from the courtroom to the municipality.
Request for Review by a Screening Officer |
To dispute a penalty notice on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable please fill out the Request for Review – Screening Officer form available on this page under Forms. If you wish to authorize another person to act on your behalf, complete the AMPS Authorization Form. If you have not requested a Review by a Screening Officer on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, you may request an extension of time to obtain a Screening Review. The ‘Request for Extension – Screening Officer’ form is also available on this page, under Forms. The request for an extension must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Director, that the existence of extenuating circumstances prevented the filing of the request within the prescribed timeline. Please note that this option expires forty-five (45) days after the penalty notice date. |
Request for Review by a Hearing Officer |
You may appeal a Screening Officer decision via a ‘Request for Review – Hearing Officer’ form available on this page under Forms. You must submit your request within 30 days of the issuance of a Screening Officer's decision. Hearing reviews are held virtually with the Township. If you have not submitted a Request for Review – Hearing Officer on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable (30 days from the issuance of the Screening Officer’s decision), you may request an extension of time to obtain a Hearing using the ‘Request for Extension – Hearing Officer’ form. This form is available on this page under Forms. An extension will only be granted if it can be proven that you were not properly served with the Screening Decision as per section 6.7 of the AMPS By-law. Please note that this option expires after 45 days following the date of the Screening Decision. |
Forms |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a penalty notice? |
Penalty Notices are issued for violations of the Township’s By-laws as described in the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law. The Penalty Notice contains a monetary penalty and a due date. You must respond to the Penalty Notice by the due date shown by either paying the penalty amount or by requesting a review by the Screening Officer. Failure to respond to the Penalty Notice by the due date shown may result in additional fees, and the unpaid amount may be added to your municipal taxes. |
How can I pay a penalty notice? |
What do Screening and Hearing Officers do? |
If requested, a Screening Officer will review the information and evidence in relation to the issued Penalty Notice. Screening reviews are conducted internally after the request form is received. The Screening Officer may affirm, cancel, or reduce the administrative penalty. If requested, a Hearing Officer, at a hearing, will review the decision of the Screening Officer and related information and evidence. The Township’s AMPS By-law outlines the grounds upon which a Screening or Hearing officer may affirm, cancel, or reduce the administrative penalty. |
What happens if I don’t attend a scheduled hearing? |
If you do not attend a scheduled Hearing review appointment and you have not requested an extension to obtain a Hearing, the penalty notice will be confirmed, additional fees will be added, and the unpaid amount may be added to your municipal taxes. - The fee for failure to appear at a scheduled Hearing review appointment is $200. - The late payment fee for an administrative penalty is $25. |
What if I’m not satisfied with the result of a screening or hearing decision? |
If the matter is still in dispute following the review by the Screening Officer, you may request a review by a Hearing Officer within 30 days of the issuance of a Screening Officer’s decision using the ‘Request for Review – Hearing Officer’ form on this page under Forms. If you have not submitted a Request for Review by a Hearing Officer on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, you may request an extension to obtain a Hearing. The ‘Request for Extension – Hearing Officer’ form is available on this page under Forms. An extension will only be granted if it can be proven that you were not properly served with the Screening Decision as per section 6.7 of the AMPS By-law. Please note that this option expires after 45 days following the date of the Screening Decision. The decision made by the Hearing Officer in a Hearing review is final and no further appeal is available, including to another court body. |
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