2022 Election
Election Results |
Accessible Elections |
Financial Statement - Auditor's Report |
Pursuant to Section 88 (9.1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, the clerk shall make the documents filed under sections 88.25, 88.29 and 88.32 available at no charge for viewing by the public on a website or in another electronic format as soon as possible after the documents are filed.
View the 2022 Municipal Election Financial Statements |
Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee |
About the Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee The Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee receives and makes decisions on applications for compliance audits of candidates' and registered third parties 2022 municipal election campaign finances and any by-election campaign finances during the 2022 to 2026 term of Council. The Committee is also responsible for reviewing reports submitted by the Clerk with respect to any contributor who appears to have contravened any of the contribution limits to a candidates' or registered third party election campaign. The Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee is established pursuant to Section 88.37 of the Municipal Elections Act and pursuant to the Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee 2022-2026 Terms of Reference as established by the Town of Huntsville, to deal with the matters provided for in Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35, and 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act. Members The Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee is comprised of three (3) voting members of the public and one (1) additional alternate member as follows:
Compliance Audit Applications and Procedures
Meetings Meetings are held in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the Township of Muskoka Lakes. View our Government Portal for upcoming meeting dates, if applicable, agendas and minutes. Notice of Meetings and Decisions |
Maps |
Contact Information |
For more information about Municipal Elections at the Township of Muskoka Lakes please contact: Crystal Paroschy, Director of Legislative Services/ClerkTownship of Muskoka Lakes Cheryl Hollows, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy ClerkTownship of Muskoka Lakes |
Past Elections
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