Delegate Request Page
Township Council encourages the public to express their views and concerns on any matter within its jurisdiction by providing a number of ways for you to address Council and Committees.
To speak at a Council or Committee meeting, view Schedule "A" of our Council Procedure By-law.
Written Submissions |
Written submissions can be provided at any time to the Township Clerk who will ensure they are forwarded to Council in a timely fashion. If the correspondence relates to an item on the Agenda of the next Committee or Council meeting, the correspondence will be included in the Official Record of the Township. In addition to providing written submissions, you may address Council or Committee in person or via Zoom if needed. |
Delegations |
Delegation requests are for any new matters for Council or Committee to consider and do not pertain to items that are on an agenda or planned to be on an upcoming agenda. All Delegation requests are to be submitted to the Clerk by completing the Delegation Request Form through the Township website, or by remitting the form in person, email, regular mail or fax. Presentation materials are to be included in the agenda and therefore must be received by the Clerk at least 5 (five) business days prior to the meeting date. A maximum of five (5) minutes will be granted for delegations at the meeting. |
Public Comment |
You may request to make a Public Comment on any item on a Committee or Council agenda up to twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the meeting. All Public Comment requests are to be submitted to the Clerk by completing the Public Comment Request Form through the Township website, or by remitting the form in person, email, regular mail or fax. You must include your presentation with your request as it will be included in the published supplementary agenda. A maximum of five (5) minutes will be granted for public comment at the meeting. Note: Public Comments at a Council Meeting regarding Committee minutes or Committee-recommended by-laws are only permitted in order to receive new information or developments regarding the matter. New information must be submitted to the Clerk prior to submitting a request in order to determine if the information qualifies. Information previously considered may not be presented again. |
Non-Statutory Public Hearings (Public Meetings) and Planning Applications under the Planning Act |
Delegations may be permitted from the gallery without prior registration for these matters. If you wish the display of a presentation, it must be remitted to the Clerk five (5) Business days before the meeting (not counting the meeting day). You will have five (5) minutes to speak. |
Invited presentations |
Invited presentations are invited at the pleasure of the Mayor/Chair and do not have a time limit at the meeting. |
Expected Conduct for Delegations and Public Comment |
The following provides information on meeting conduct:
Everyone, at all times, must be respectful of others. Profane or offensive words and insulting expressions against any person will not be tolerated. Please take care to not breach the privacy or disclose personal information of any individual. The Chair may expel any individual who violates these expectations from the meeting. |
Helpful Hints |
These tips will help you stay in the five-minute time limit and avoid rushing or leaving out information. It is recommended you rehearse your presentation. Remember to keep your presentation clear and concise. Presentation materials must follow the Municipal Freedom of Information Privacy Protection Act (MFIPPA) and cannot include photos of identifiable individuals, licence plates and/or names without the individual’s consent. |
Recording notice |
All council, standing committee and committee of adjustment meetings are recorded and livestreamed. By attending a public meeting of Council/Committee, you are consenting to your image, voice and comments being recorded. Anyone who is invited to speak will be recorded and their voice, image and comments will form part of the live stream and recording. Video files from live streaming will be available on the Township website and YouTube channel and as such, may be subject to alteration by any member of the public with no Township control over such alterations. The Township assumes no liability associated with any alterations that may be made by a member of the public on the internet. |
Personal Information Notice |
Please note that the names of delegates and correspondents, as well as whether they are published on the Township’s website as part of the Committee/Council Agenda and Minutes. All other personal information provided in written correspondence will be redacted. Personal information which includes opinions and views contained in delegations and written correspondence to Township of Muskoka Lakes Council or its Committees is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your delegation or written correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the Township to make its decision on the matter. |
Method | Topic | Deadline to Apply | Maximum Speaking Time | Presentations |
Written Submissions | Any matter under Township jurisdiction whether on an Meeting Agenda or not | Can be submitted at any time to the Clerk | N/A | N/A |
Delegations | Any matter under Township jurisdiction not on a Meeting Agenda |
Seven (7) days prior to meeting (not counting meeting day) |
Five (5) Minutes | Must be sent to the Clerk Five (5) Business days before the meeting (not counting meeting day) |
Public Comment | Any matter under Township jurisdiction – must be on a Meeting Agenda |
Twenty-Four hours prior to meeting start |
Five (5) Minutes | Must be sent to the Clerk with Request Form |
Non-Statutory Public Hearings (Public Meetings) and Planning Applications under the Planning Act | No need to apply | Five (5) Minutes | Must be sent to the Clerk Five (5) Business days before the meeting (not counting meeting day) | |
Invited Presentations | Any item within Township Jurisdiction, at the pleasure of the Mayor/Chair | No need to apply | No time limit | Must be sent to the Clerk Five (5) Business days before the meeting (not counting meeting day) |
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