Planning on Developing your Property? Know the Zoning?
Zoning By-law 2014-14 is the comprehensive zoning by-law applying to all properties in the Township of Muskoka Lakes.
If a proposed use or structure on a property doesn't meet the requirements of our Zoning By-law, a planning application may be made for a Zoning By-law Amendment (or rezoning) or a minor variance. The decision to approve or deny an application is made by Council or the Committee of Adjustment. Prior to this decision, a public meeting (Planning Committee or Committee of Adjustment) will be held. If an application goes to Planning Committee, a recommendation will be brought forward to Council for a decision.
Not sure where to start?
A Pre-consultation is highly recommended for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plan Applications, Minor Variance and Consent Applications. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here.
Planning Activity in Muskoka Lakes
The Planning Activity Map on the Muskoka GeoHub website shows the locations and details of various planning-related applications within the Township of Muskoka Lakes. You can review both in-progress and completed applications, and where available, official decision documents are also provided.
Currently this map provides the following types of applications:
- Minor Variances
- Consents
- Official Plan Amendments
- Zoning By-Law Amendments
Types of Planning Applications
Zoning Maps and By-law Amendments |
What is a Zoning By-law?
Zoning By-laws regulate how land and buildings are used, the location of buildings, lot coverage, building heights and other provisions necessary to ensure proper development. How do I find out what the zoning is for a property? Visit the Muskoka Lakes Web Map to determine your zoning designation or contact the Planning Department at the Township of Muskoka Lakes. Official Zoning Schedules are located at the Township of Muskoka Lakes office. Please contact the Planning Department for current information. Zoning by-law 2014-14 Zoning By-law 2014-14 is the comprehensive zoning by-law applying to all properties in the Township of Muskoka Lakes. If a proposed use or structure on a property doesn't meet the requirements of our Zoning By-law, an application may be made for a Zoning By-law Amendment (or rezoning). The decision to approve or deny an application is made by Council. Prior to this decision, Planning Committee will hold a public meeting and make a recommendation to Council. Please note that Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. If you are ready to submit an application, please visit our application webpage. |
Consent Applications – Land Severances |
Consent from the Township is needed to separate a piece of land to form a new lot. A Consent is not needed in certain situations, such as when the land is already divided by a railway or public road. You can also apply for Consent to create a Right-of-Way or change existing property boundaries (e.g. lot addition). Consent Application decisions are made by the Committee of Adjustment, unless submitted concurrently with a necessary Zoning By-law Amendment. Pre-consultation is recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. |
Minor Variances |
A Minor Variance is an application to provide specific relief from provisions of the Township's Zoning By-law (an example would be needing to build slightly closer to a property boundary than the setbacks permitted in the Zoning By-law). The Township's Committee of Adjustment considers Minor Variance applications for approval.
A Minor Variance allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even if their development proposal does not comply precisely with the zoning by-law. Under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act, a minor variance must meet the four tests: 1) Is the application minor in nature? 2) Is the application desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question? 3) Does the application conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law? 4) Does the application conform to the general intent of the Township's Official Plan? It is important to note that to consider any application, a Minor Variance must meet all four tests. Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. If you are ready to submit an application, please visit our application webpage. |
Site Plan Agreements |
Site Plan Control enables the Township to control certain matters on and around a property proposed for development, such as lighting and vegetative buffers. Through this process, a Site Plan Agreement is entered into and registered on title which, among other matters, identifies the location of buildings and structures and works to be completed, and may require securities for matters such as native species tree plantings and stormwater management works. This process ensures that development proposals are well designed, in character with the surrounding community, and protect environmental features and surrounding land. Please note that applications for Site Plan Approval are delegated to staff for review and approval. Provincial legislation permits the Township to impose Site Plan Control for residential development within 300 metres of a railway line or within 120 metres of an inland lake, wetland, or a river or stream valley, as well as for Residential development of 10 or more units and Commercial and Industrial uses. The Township's Site Plan Control By-law (2006-100) then further identifies which lakes, zones, and development proposals must receive Site Plan Approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. Please contact the Planning Division if you need clarification. Please note that Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. If you are ready to submit an application, please visit our application webpage. |
Deeming By-law Applications |
A ‘deeming by-law’ removes lands (lots or blocks) from a registered plan of subdivision, providing the plan of subdivision has been registered for more than 8 years. A deeming by-law can remove all of the lots or blocks of land within a registered plan, or only some of the lots or blocks within a plan of subdivision. The effect of a deeming by-law is to merge two or more lots or blocks of lands within a plan of subdivision into one legally conveyable lot, under common ownership. Approval of a deeming by-law consolidates individual lots into one parcel of land. Generally this is required to allow development to occur, which would otherwise be constrained by lots lines traversing a site (buildings cannot cross over lot lines). Deeming by-laws are typically used to merge lots from very old plans of subdivision, which no longer meet current zoning standards.
Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. If you are ready to submit an application, please visit our application webpage. |
Municipal Record Search Requests |
Are you a potential purchaser looking for information on development potential? Do you require information on planning regulations for a building project?
A Municipal Record Search is a document that provides details regarding issued building permits on file, the status of inspections, and any outstanding orders. It also offers information with respect to planning such as the zoning designation, permitted uses, and any planning approvals for the property. Typically, these requests are from solicitors performing a transfer of ownership or placing a mortgage. |
Other Planning Applications |
Frequently Asked Questions
I need to determine the zoning of a property. |
Please review the zoning of a property using the Muskoka Lakes GeoHub Map. |
I need a copy of the survey for my property. |
Please contact the Land Registry Office or seek legal counsel to obtain a copy of a survey. |
I need to review zoning/development requirements (minimum frontage/area, setbacks, height, lot coverage, etc.) of a particular zone. |
First, confirm the zoning of the property using the Muskoka Lakes GeoHub Map. Once confirmed, please consult with the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By-law. (please also note that a link to the zone section is provided through Muskoka Lakes GeoHub Map) |
I don't meet the requirements of a particular zone and require a Minor Variance or Zoning By-law Amendment. |
Minor Variance
A Minor Variance can provide specific relief from provisions of our Zoning By-law (an example would be needing to build slightly closer to a property boundary than the setbacks permitted in the Zoning By-law). Minor Variance decisions are made by the Committee of Adjustment. A Minor Variance allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even if their development proposal does not comply precisely with the zoning by-law. Under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act, a minor variance must meet the four tests: 1) Is the application minor in nature? 2) Is the application desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question? 3) Does the application conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law? 4) Does the application conform to the general intent of the Township's Official Plan? It is important to note that to consider any application, a Minor Variance must meet all four tests. Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. If you are ready to submit an application, please visit our application webpage.
Zoning by-law 2014-14 Zoning By-law 2014-14 is the comprehensive zoning by-law applying to all properties in the Township of Muskoka Lakes. If a proposed use or structure on a property doesn't meet the requirements of our Zoning By-law, an application may be made for a Zoning By-law Amendment (or rezoning). The decision to approve or deny an application is made by Council. Prior to this decision, Planning Committee will hold a public meeting and make a recommendation to Council. Please ensure you submit a complete site plan with your application. Download the Zoning By-law Amendment Application Guide here. Please note that Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. If you are ready to submit an application, please visit our application webpage. |
I wish to subdivide/sever or alter the lot lines of my property. |
Please confirm the zoning of your property and related zoning requirements. Consent from the Township is needed to separate a piece of land to form a new lot. A Consent is not needed in certain situations, such as when the land is already divided by a railway or public road. You can also apply for Consent to create a Right-of-Way or change existing property boundaries (e.g. lot addition). Consent Application decisions are made by the Committee of Adjustment, unless submitted concurrently with a necessary Zoning By-law Amendment. Pre-consultation is recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. |
I wish to determine whether or not a proposed development is subject to Site Plan Control, or have questions regarding the Site Plan Approval process. |
Please review the Site Plan Control By-law, application guide and application form. Site Plan Control enables the Township to control certain matters on and around a property proposed for development, such as lighting and vegetative buffers. Through this process, a Site Plan Agreement is entered into and registered on title which, among other matters, identifies the location of buildings and structures and works to be completed, and may require securities for matters such as native species tree plantings and stormwater management works. This process ensures that development proposals are well designed, in character with the surrounding community, and protect environmental features and surrounding land. Please note that applications for Site Plan Approval are delegated to staff for review and approval. Provincial legislation permits the Township to impose Site Plan Control for residential development within 300 metres of a railway line or within 120 metres of an inland lake, wetland, or a river or stream valley, as well as for Residential development of 10 or more units and Commercial and Industrial uses. The Township's Site Plan Control By-law (2006-100) then further identifies which lakes, zones, and development proposals must receive Site Plan Approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. Please contact the Planning Division if you need clarification. Please note that a Pre-consultation is highly recommended to help streamline the application process. Please request a pre-consultation through our Pre-consultation Request Form here. |
I require a copy of a previously approved Zoning By-law Amendment. |
Please note that a link is provided on the subject property through Muskoka Lakes GeoHub Map. |
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