Frequently Asked Questions
It is always best if neighbours can respectfully resolve their issues without the need for By-law Enforcement. If possible, discuss the problem with your neighbour. Remember to focus on the issue, listen to their concerns, and look for mutually beneficial solutions.
If your efforts to resolve the matter with your neighbour have been unsuccessful, the Township's By-law Enforcement team may be able to assist in resolving the issue. Contact the By-law Enforcement Team to learn about the Township's By-laws and if they apply to your situation. You may find an answer to your inquiry in our frequently asked questions listed below.
- There are loud boats on the lake/river early in the morning, who do i call to file a noise complaint?
Boats and vessels on the water are not regulated by the Township's noise by-law. Boats and vessels on the water are regulated under the federal jurisdiction of Transport Canada and enforced by the Ontario Provincial Police. Please call the OPP Non-Emergency Line at 1-888-310-1122.
- My neighbours dog barks constantly, what can I do?
- A complaint can be filed with the by-law department and an officer will attend and caution the dog owner. If the barking continues, the Complainant will be asked to keep a noise log, provide a witness statement and attend court as a witness.
- I am planning a gathering at my cottage, what time does the noise by-law require the noise to stop?
- The noise by-law requires all amplified sound, music or loud voices to cease at 11:00 p.m. After 11:00 p.m. noise must not trespass from your property to another.
Property Standards
- My neighbour built a fence, are there any by-laws regulating a fence?
- The Township does not regulate the height or location of fences. If there is a dispute between property owners about the location of a fence, it is a civil matter between property owners.
- My neighbour has junk, old cars and garbage in their yard, what can I do?
- The Township has a property standards by-law, it requires the exterior of buildings and yards be maintained to a minimum standard. Orders requiring the property owner to clean up or remove items may be issued for non-compliance.
Tree Cutting
- A property owner has cut trees within 300 feet of a navigable waterway, what can be done?
- The Township has a tree conservation by-law that regulates the cutting of trees within 300 feet of the water. A complaint should be filed with the by-law department for investigation.
Site Alterations
- A property owner has done landscaping and site alterations on his/her property within 300 feet of a navigable waterway, what can be done?
- The Township has a site alteration by-law that regulates land within 300 feet of the water. A complaint should be filed with the by-law department for investigation.
- An adjacent property owner has blocked access to my cottage on a private right of way, who should I contact?
- The Township does not have jurisdiction over private property right of ways or access rights, you should contact a legal professional for advice.
- The cottage next door is rented out every weekend by different people, what can be done?
- There is nothing restricting a property owner from renting a cottage on a long or short term basis, however the renters must comply with all by-laws such as burning, noise, fireworks and parking.
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