Committee and Council Highlights - March 2025
In these Council and Committee Highlights you will find a monthly digest of featured news and updates coming out of the Council and Committee meetings.
March Council Highlights
Adoption of Committee Decisions |
Council adopted the recommendations from the February General Finance Committee meeting and the February Planning Committee meeting. One change was made from the recommendation on the Budget Guiding Principles Policy at the General Finance Committee meeting to reinstate staff's delegated authority to realign funds within the approved compensation budget. |
District of Muskoka's Strategic Plan Update |
District of Muskoka Chair Jeff Lehman shared an overview of the 2023-2024 Report Card in regards to the District Strategic Plan. |
By-Laws |
Council passed all by-laws noted in the March Council Agenda. |
Bala Arena Dehumidifier Replacement |
An arena dehumidifier is designed to remove excess moisture from the air within an ice rink, preventing fog from forming, maintaining the quality of the ice surface by keeping it frozen and smooth, and ensuring optimal playing conditions for athletes by preventing the ice from becoming too soft, especially during warmer months; essentially, it helps maintain a healthy air quality while keeping the ice rink properly chilled. During the week of February 24th, the mechanical dehumidifier in the Bala Arena stopped working. Upon review, staff were advised that the dehumidifier is not repairable, and replacement would be required at an estimated cost of $40,000. Council approved the replacement. |
Investment Policy Update |
Council approved an update to the Investments Policy in June 2024. As part of this policy update, Staff did not amend the appendix that includes information about setting risk rating limits for investments. Upon the recommendation of the Township’s approved investment advisor, Staff recommended aligning the risk rating limits with the provincial limits as set out in the regulation. Council approved the update. |
March Committee Highlights
Council decision-making at the Township of Muskoka Lakes typically starts at the Standing Committee level. These committees review and discuss staff reports, and make recommendations for Council who ultimately make a decision or provide direction to staff. Recommendations coming out of Standing Committees are not 'decisions' until Council 'adopts' them as a whole, which typically happens a month later at the next regular Township Council meeting. Information reports are also shared at these meetings.
These Committee Highlights provide updates coming out of the General Finance Committee and Planning Committee meetings.
Planning applications are not included in the Committee Highlights. For information about March Planning Applications, please see the Planning Committee Agenda.
Food Bank Update |
Committee heard an update from the West Muskoka Food Bank. The Food Bank expressed thanks for the ongoing partnership with the Township in continuing to serve the Muskoka Lakes Community. |
Recap of 2025 Snowmobile Season and 2026 Plans |
Phil Harding thanked Committee for their support in helping to keep snowmobiling alive in the entire District of Muskoka. While the snowmobile season in Muskoka is nearing it's end, the season was a great success. |
2024 Preliminary Year-End Financial Update |
Committee received an overview of operating revenues and expenses from January 1 to December 31, 2024. The numbers provided are preliminary and amounts may change pending final analysis and/or adjustments from the external auditor. At this time, the Township is reporting a deficit of $130,297, or 0.8% of the 2024 approved levy ($15,855,900). |
Fire Department By-law to Authorize Imposing Fees |
Committee approved a by-law to outline and provide authority for the Muskoka Lakes Fire Department to impose fees on fire protection services. The by-law will go to Council next month for ratification. |
Beaumaris/Windermere Wharf Project Overview |
Both the Beaumaris wooden dock and Windermere floating docks at their respective wharves have reached the end of their useful life, and the 2025 Capital Budget included funding for replacement of said docks. Staff envision a five-phase approach for the replacement of these docks. The project is scheduled to commence in April 2025 and be completed by June 2026. • Part One - Public Docks and Launches By-law Review • Part Two - Wharf Dock Designs • Part Three - Tender Process/Award • Part Four - Review Parking Payment Solutions • Part Five - Dock Construction/Installation |
Windermere Village Playground Proposal |
In 2024, a community group presented to committee with a proposal to install a new playground on the Windermere Village Hall Property, located at 2496 Windermere Rd, Windermere ON. Committee in February 2025 requested a project outline be provided and at the March 2025 meeting approved the project. Staff envision a four-phase approach for the completion of the playground including community input and feedback. The fundraising component will be led and organized by the Windermere Village Playground Committee. The Township will set up an account for donations toward the playground where individual donors can receive tax receipts from the Township – minimum $20. |
Ullswater and Windermere Community Centre Kitchens |
The 2025 Capital Budget included funds for Kitchen Ventilation System Upgrades at the Windermere and Ullswater Community Centre Kitchens. Based on the recent completion of similar upgrades to the Walker’s Point Community Centre, an amount of $175,000 was budgeted for each community centre. Based on further review, staff proposed an alternative kitchen model, which provides a more cost-efficient design while still allowing for basic kitchen uses to occur. Committee approved of this new approach with a reduced cost to $30,000 to $40,000 per kitchen. |
Assets Level of Service Study Update #2 |
Phase I of the Asset Level of Service Study commenced in April 2024 with all background data and reports being submitted to GHD Ltd. The consultants have gathered additional information from various sources, including municipal stakeholders utilizing surveys and interviews, as well as peer organizations representing a combination of regional neighbours and comparable communities with the intent to obtain a broad perspective across different operating models, sizes, and locations. This phase of the project is complete. During phase II of the study, currently in progress, staff continue to meet regularly with GHD to finalize a draft while including analysis of community engagement and on development of a level of service framework. Phase III will commence with the presentation of a draft report at a future meeting of Committee on the level of service framework showing the current levels of service and the proposed (target) level of service as recommended by Staff. This meeting is anticipated to be scheduled in April. In an effort to streamline the finalization of the Fire Station Location Study and the Arena Feasibility Study, staff recommended that direction be provided to return with reports which set out a flexible, future action plan and timeline for the implementation of these studies with a view to preparing options and providing public comment to inform Council’s decisions. The Asset Level of Service Study including financial strategy are still to be concluded prior to final decisions on these studies. Committee approved this approach. |
Great Lakes Waterfront Trail |
Established in 1988, the Waterfront Regeneration Trust (WRT) is a not-for-profit charitable organization that has worked with over 170 municipalities, First Nations, conservation authorities, NGOs, and community groups to build the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail along the shores of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. Their goal is to protect, connect and celebrate the Great Lakes through the creation of a signed, multi-use trail along the Canadian shores of the Great Lakes Region. The WRT has requested to locate a trailhead in Hanna Park in Port Carling, due to its location at the centre of the Lake Muskoka and Lake Rosseau Loops. Committee approved this request and staff will work with the WRT to design and install the trailhead signage at a suitable location in Hanna Park. |
District Waste Collection - Garbage Bag Tags |
Committee requested that the District modify their program to a tagging system providing residents with an annual allotment of tags in the amount of 52 for residents with curbside green bin collection and 104 for residents without curbside green bin collection. |
Foot's Bay Waste Collection |
Committee requested that the District continue the Foots Bay Lakeside Waste Collection service for a 2025 trial period with improved communication leading up to the summer season. |
Muskoka River Watershed Conditions Update |
As we transition to spring and temperatures begin to rise, the Township of Muskoka Lakes is preparing for the spring freshet season and are reminding property owners to take the necessary steps to ensure proper drainage, protect properties, and ensure personal safety is top of mind. As of March 4, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has reported that water levels on most managed lakes in the watershed are either at or below the target operating levels for this time of year and are generally trending downward. They advise that average snow water content across the entire Muskoka Watershed is only slightly above historic normal levels for this time of year. Staff also provided an overview of the new Floodline and Lidar mapping which shows the location of where flooding is expected during the worst flooding events in standard 2D and 3D map views. |
2024 Building Division Annual Activity and Reserve Fund Report |
In accordance with Section 7(4) of the Building Code Act, the Building Division is required to report annually on the fees collected, direct and indirect operating costs, and the reserve fund end of year balance. While an operating deficit of $99,750 was recorded in 2024 the Building Reserve Fund increased by $1,678 as a result of interest earned. |
Proposed Revisions to the Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) By-law |
On August 14, 2024 Council approved Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Licensing By-law and authorized staff to enter into an agreement for Short Term Rental monitoring software with Granicus Host Compliance (GHC) and execute all necessary documents to proceed with the contract and service. Since that time, staff have been diligently working towards preparing for the January 1, 2025 effective date. Despite significant progress, GHC has recently advised that the application portal is still approximately 4-6 months from being operational on-line. In light of significant public interest in the STRA By-law, the approach of ‘cottaging season’, and implementation delay caused by technical difficulties, staff wish to provide clarity for the public on proposed transition provisions as soon as possible. Upon receiving Council direction to modify the STRA By-law as recommended, staff will initiate a legal review of the proposed amendments and also initiate a fulsome communication strategy to make residents and STRA owners aware of the new timelines proposed in the updated By-law and will update all of the information on the Township website accordingly. Messaging would highlight:
Looking for additional information on the Committee meetings? Check out the March Agenda Packages or watch the meetings online.
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